Ethereal Spider Fang

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Ethereal Spider Fang
Stackable Yes (64)
Renewable Yes
ID voidscape:ethereal_spider_fang

Obtained rarely from a Voidling.

It can be used to upgrade Swords, Axes, Bows, and Crossbows from Voidscape with +15% Voidic Infusion, which applies that much Voidic Infusion to the target every hit, scaling with the attack cooldown.

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Titanite Titanite Chunk Purified Titanite Shard
Ichor Otherworldly Flesh Chunk Ichor Crystallized Ichor Ichor Spell Tome Voidic Spell Tome Corrupt Spell Tome Titanite Spell Tome
Astral Strange Pearl Astral Shards Astral Essence Astral Crystal
Ethereal Fruit Ethereal Fruit (Void) Ethereal Fruit (Null) Ethereal Fruit (Overworld) Ethereal Fruit (Nether) Ethereal Fruit (End)
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