Astral Shards

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Astral Shards
Stackable Yes (64)
Renewable No
ID voidscape:astral_shards

Obtained by throwing, via Right Click, a Strange Pearl at an End Crystal.

Right clicking Astral Shards onto Anti-Rock will convert it into Astral Rock which is necessary to obtain Astral Essence.

Miscellaneous Voidic Crystal Ethereal Essence Ethereal Spider Eggs Ethereal Spider Fang Voidic Smithing Template Tendril Charred Bone Charred War Hammer Head Piece Liquid Voidic Crystal Bucket
Titanite Titanite Chunk Purified Titanite Shard
Ichor Otherworldly Flesh Chunk Ichor Crystallized Ichor Ichor Spell Tome Voidic Spell Tome Corrupt Spell Tome Titanite Spell Tome
Astral Strange Pearl Astral Shards Astral Essence Astral Crystal
Ethereal Fruit Ethereal Fruit (Void) Ethereal Fruit (Null) Ethereal Fruit (Overworld) Ethereal Fruit (Nether) Ethereal Fruit (End)
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